Floré Plants

Floré Plants
8706 55th Avenue NE
Marysville WA
Booth: 2628

Company Description:

Flore' (formally known as Angie’s Cup of Flower: a division of Moose Tracks Farm & Gardens) is a boutique, cottage, floral shop, located in the Pacific Northwest, specializing in tropical and house plants that have been arranged in selected pots that highlight and display the plant's unique characteristics. Each creation is designed by Angela with an eye for color, texture, size, content, and display. From 1" mini's to as big as it comes, Angie and her buyers shop the world for the exotic and unique plants and pots to add beauty and elegance to your home, office, or yard. If we do not have it in stock, ask and we will strive to find it for you! From gnome homes and fairy gardens, to cactus, and succulents, and tropical trees, we are sure to have something to delight and excite, while filling your needs. We also carry a wide array of sundries and handmade items.

New Products

A little birdy told me that there is always something new and exciting showing up in the shop. Make sure to drop by and see what is new this year!

Looking for something special or unique? Contact us at angela.c.madduax@gmail.com

Product Images:


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