Ian Ely Gallery
Company Description:
Ian Ely’s Company is fueled, first and foremost, by the passion he has for photography. Without the drive to seek out and travel to beautiful, remote, and untrammeled places, camera in hand, his business wouldn’t exist. But it takes more than passion and talent to achieve the reputation of one of America’s most recognized landscape photographers. It requires a focus on how those attributes can be turned into a truly sustainable business. And it is that focus that grounds the entire IAN ELY Corporation.Ely’s passion for the outdoors developed during a childhood spent exploring his home state of California. It was nurtured on family road trips and wilderness camping excursions in the Midwest. But the true catalyst for what would become his calling was his experience as a young boy traversing the mountains of Colorado aboard a backcountry steam train. At the time, Ely was so struck by the powerful beauty of the wild, unfettered landscape it made an indelible and enduring impression on his young sensibilities. At the age of 10, he was able to obtain his first camera by winning a magazine-selling contest. That win put into place the building blocks of what would evolve into a brilliant career.
Never a man content to coast on the strength of his own accomplishments, Ely’s intention is to open 20 galleries over the next decade, located in strategic sites throughout the United States, in an effort to bring his photography to more people.
That’s an extremely ambitious goal. But in typical Ely style, to those who think he “can’t” his answer is, and always will be, “Just watch me.”
In the end, all visionary artists tend to be driven by a handful of common goals—to create great art, to reach the people who will be moved by it, and to build a legacy. But Ely chooses to sum up his life’s work in a far more modest way. ”We all have a job to do,” he says. “And mine is to capture perfect moments.”
©Ian Ely Corporation, Ian Ely Gallery. All Rights Reserved.
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