The Lily Pad

The Lily Pad
1374 Days Creek Cutoff Road
Myrtle Creek OR
Booth: 2426; C20; C21; C30; C31

Company Description:

We are a family-owned and operated farm, based in the Pacific Northwest since 1985. We began our operation as cut flower growers in Olympia, Washington and have expanded into bulb and root production for nation-wide distribution. To a lesser extent we are also importers of fine bulbs and plants, new or rare to the domestic market. Currently, our business is based out of Myrtle Creek, Oregon.

We trial everything that we buy in order to determine its quality and garden-worthiness and provide insight and pertinent first-hand details to our customers. Part of our imported stock becomes planting stock for perpetuation of worthy varieties in our domestic fields. We have entered into contractual terms with certain other West Coast growers to grow some of our bulbs for us. We provide the stock and they provide the labor, land, and technological expertise. This is done partly to boost our capacity and partly to ensure against crop failure. Thus, the majority of our bulbs are domestically produced, even those originating in Holland and the Orient. We do honor plant patent rights and buy directly from authorized growers when dealing with patent-protected varieties.

Product Images:

Alberta Morning Martagon Lily - one of our newest Martagon Lilies.
Another new product, Debby Oriental Lily. The colors are simply breathtaking!
We are known for our HUGE monster-sized lily bulbs!
Our bulbs and bareroots are ready to be shipped starting in February! We are equipped to handle all orders solely through mail order this year. So don't miss out just because the shows are cancelled!
We offer a huge variety of lilies, peonies, daylilies, and other perennials. Check out our website to see all our product!


Five Year Exhibitor

Thank you to our sponsors & partners