Garden Creators: What Are They Up To
Even though the Northwest Flower & Garden Show is held for five days in the middle of February, extensive planning happens all throughout the year. Beginning as soon as three weeks after the Show, we reach out to potential Garden Creators across the area who are interested in sharing their new, exciting ideas with attendees.
Then, the designers are asked to submit a basic idea of their designs seven months in advance. Our Garden Coordinator reviews the ideas and sends out acceptance letters. Around August, the Show finalizes the layout of the 20+ gardens on the Convention Center floor and holds a meeting. The Garden Creator meeting is basically a class on “How to Build a NWFGS Garden.”
(A photo from the 2015 garden building process… otherwise known as “organized chaos.”)
Building a garden at the Northwest Flower & Garden Show is easily the biggest undertaking in the business, so there’s an entire handbook with at least eight sections of information.
There is so much information to learn & many restrictions to avoid. On top of it all, the designers build these high quality displays in only 72 hours! Months of preparation is the only way this process is possible. After everything is said and done, the rewards immensely outweigh the stresses. The Garden Creators take on this immense project for the opportunity to inspire and thrill attendees and audiences across the world.
I personally want to say to this year’s participants… congratulations! Now go study that notebook, because the last thing you want is a phone call from Lloyd the night before the Show opens. Trust me. -Courtney
( A sketch from the 2015 Display Garden by West Seattle Nursery.
Planning a Display Garden begins as early as June of the prior year.)